'Rodeo Veteran' oil 11" x 14"
Much of my time has been spent painting, which is turning from a luxury to a reality. I had several commissions to finish and work to get done for the shows. My artist friends have hardly had time to get together for our monthly meetings although yesterday I meant with good friend and fellow artist, Ruthann Nordlund, to talk about the upcoming Women Artist of the West (WAOW) member’s show in Chicago. It should be a terrific one. It’s being held at the Hilligoss Gallery and we have guest artists such as Nancy Guzik and Richard Schmid, Kristen and Timothy Thies among some other real talent attending and/or participating. It has made everyone raise the bar for their artwork submissions. There are about 50 members attending, along with the guest artists, so it should be a ball.
I also have the 25th Anniversary show at the San Bernardino Museum. This is a 4 day wildlife show with dinners and benefit auctions attached. One of the auctions they are having is for anniversary ornaments made by each of the 25 artists, they will be auctioned as a group. I’m not a crafter so this is a real challenge for me. It must be finished in a couple of weeks so I’ll post a photo of it when I finish. It will incorporate a miniature painting, but how, I don’t know yet. I’ve also been invited to participate in a show in San Francisco for the Cow Palace western show next April. I love doing the western paintings and will post one her today. It’s ‘Rodeo Veteran’ an 11” x 14” oil.
I am also posting all of the membership applications for a new round of jurying new members, online. It’s a big job.
So I will be flying in to Los Angeles to begin preparing for the SBMA show. Fly to and form Chicago and not leave L.A. until the first of Dec. My daughter and husband are flying in from Hawaii to visit for Thanksgiving, can hardly wait. Greg and I will celebrate our day when I get home. We have also been looking at places to move to in TN. We have new calves and bred cows – all rodeo stock. Greg has been busy being involved with that whole world, including photographing and making some exciting video DVD’s of the bull riding events. Me, I found a horse that would make me exchange my lake for – although I’m hoping to still be surrounded by gorgeous scenery and wildlife.